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徐州市大马路小学:《Unit1 The lion and the mouse Sound time, Culture time & Ticking time》导学案

2022-06-28  |  作者:张岚    


 英语  学科       年级       1 单元    3     课时



Unit1 The lion and the mouse Sound time, Culture time & Ticking time


1. 能掌握特殊疑问句中语音语调的使用。

2. 能梳理出学过的疑问代词,并正确使用。

3. 思考《伊索寓言》与中国成语故事的异同,了解中西方深厚的文化底蕴。

4. 能熟练运用副词复述故事《The lion and the mouse》。









Step 1 Free talk & Review

T shows the picture of the lion.

Ticking time: I can understand “The lion and the mouse”.

Show the questions.

T: Do these questions have a special feature?

à Wh-questions特殊疑问句

Ss speak out more words about Wh-questions

à when, which, how many, how much …

Step 2 Presentation

1. Sound time

(1) Show the picture of Sound time.

T: You can ask so many questions. Look the pictures. Now I have four questions.


àWhere are you going? What do you want to buy? Who is it for? What will he say?

T: How to ask these questions. Do we use the rising tone or the falling tone? Let’s listen.

àWe use falling tones to ask the Wh-questions.

Ss read together.


T: What other questions can you ask?


(2) Show the questions.

  T: Can you say these sentences with the correct tones?


àWhere are you going? To the sweet shop?

    What do you want to buy? Do you want a pie?

    Who is it for? The boy over there?

    What will he say? Will he say thank you?


  T: Do you find the rules?


Ss summarize and read together.

  Ss answer the questions.

  Ask and answer in pairs.

Ticking time: I know the intonation of Wh-questions.

2. Culture time

(1) T: I have some pictures about animals. Can you tell me the name of these stories?


S: 坐井观天、一箭双雕、画龙点睛、画蛇添足……

àChinese idioms

T: What about these pictures? (出示《伊索寓言》的故事图片)

T: Are these Chinese idioms?

àAesop’s Fables (简要介绍Aesop’s Fables)

(2) T: Do you know some stories in Aesop’s Fables? Please use the proper adjectives and adverbs to complete the sentences.

àA. The Lion and the Mouse: The __________ mouse helped the __________ lion. (weak/little, strong/big)

B. The Fox and the Crow: The crow sang _________ in the tree and the fox got the meat _________ under the tree. (loudly, happily)

C. The Hare and the Tortoise: The hare ran ______ and the tortoise ran ______. But he won the running race. (fast/quickly, slowly)

(3) Show the words and pictures of Culture time. Ss read.

Show the pictures: Match the pictures and the names of the stories. Then sort the stories.


Aesop’s Fables: “The North Wind and the Sun” “The Fox and the Grapes” “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”

  Chinese idioms: “Kill Two Birds with One Stone” “Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet” “Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well”

Step 3 Consolidation and practice

T: Work in groups. And let’s prepare a short play. You can choose one story to act it out. We’ll guess what story you’re acting.

l Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon

Long long ago, there was a painter. He could draw … He was good at drawing … One day, he drew a … on the wall.

“Look at the …” people said. “How …!”

Some people said. “But the dragon doesn’t have …”

A man asked. “Why don’t you draw …?”

The painter answered. “If I draw the …, the … will fly away.”

The people laughed. “Really? The picture of the … will fly away?”

Some people said. “I’m not sure about that!”

“Have a try.” Some people shouted.

The painter smiled. “OK!”

Then the painter drew … for the dragon. And the picture of the … became the real one flew away.

l The boy who cried wolf

Long long ago, there was a boy. He had a lot of … Every day he went to the hill with the … The … ate the grass and he watched them. One day the boy wanted to play a game with the people. Listen!

“Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming! Hurry! Hurry!” the boy shouted.

The people heard ran to the hill. But they didn’t see the wolf.

“The wolf ran away!” said the boy.

The next day, the people heard the cry again.

“Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming! Hurry! Hurry!” the boy shouted.

The people heard ran to the hill again. But they didn’t see the wolf.

“The wolf ran away!” said the boy.

The boy was happy. But today there was a … wolf. The boy was afraid.

“Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming! Help! Help!” the boy shouted.

But no one came to help.

出示五个问题Where did he live? Who’s his friend? Why did they become friends? What did the mouse do? How did the lion feel at last?,引导学生通过回答复习回顾story time 故事。完成Ticking time的第一项内容,并引出特殊疑问词,为进入Sound time做好准备。









在进入Sound time前,先对Story time部分进行提问,在复习故事的同时引出Wh-questions,一方面完成Ticking time中的第一项内容,另一方面也为Sound time的引出做好准备。在Sound time中学生通过听录音自行总结语调问题,并针对图片提更多问题,操练Wh-questions疑问代词的使用。为了让学生更好地了解语调的运用情况,本课将Sound time进行了一点改编,让学生在一段chant对话中体会不同的语调,始终在语境中学习。

Culture time部分的学习结合了副词的巩固。通过图片的呈现,将母语知识与英语知识进行联系,学生根据已有知识利用形容词或副词描述《伊索寓言》的四个故事大意,为最后的学生表演做一定的知识铺垫。为了让学生对中国文化的博大精深有更深刻的理解,特意设计了将故事名称和图片配对的环节,学生可以通过语言文字比较明白中国成语的短小精炼。


集体备课责任人: 张岚            个性备课责任人:  张岚

