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徐州市大马路小学《Unit8 Chinese New Year Story time》导学案

2022-06-28  |  作者:张岚    


 英语  学科       年级       8  单元    1     课时


译林版英语六年级上册Unit8 Chinese New Year Story time


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:getHong Kongnext weektangyuanfoodfirecrackersfireworkslion dancered packetChinese New Years EveChinese New Years Day

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to



5.能通过学习,抒发爱国情怀,热爱传统文化,加深对我国传统文化的理解,并懂得:Of a nation, of the world。(民族的才是世界的)。


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:getHong Kongnext weektangyuanfoodfirecrackersfireworkslion dancered packetsChinese New Years EveChinese New Years Day

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to







Step1 Warm-up

1.What day/date is it today?

T: Its a nice day. Its a beginning of this month.

2. Sing a song: Happy New Year

T: Boys and girls, you sing very well. Do you know, what holiday is the song about?

(Its about New Years Day!)

T: Whens New Years Day?

(sing and dance, have a party)

T: We can do many things on that day, its the beginning of a year. But after New Years Day, we celebrate another important holiday.

Step2 Presentation


T: Look at the picture. What festival is it?

S: Its Chinese New Year.

T: We also call it Spring Festival

T: Whens Chinese New Year?

Yes, it sometimes comes in January, it sometimes comes  in February.

3. 讲授Chinese New Years DayChinese New Years Eve

(1)T: But when is the Chinese New Year this year?


S: Its on 2.28th.

T: Yes, and we call it Chinese New Years Day.(讲授Chinese New Years Day

(2) (教师指着227日问)

T: What date is it?

S: Its the twenty-seventh of Feb.

T: Yes. And we call it Chinese New Years Eve (讲授Chinese New Years Eve

4. T: What do you usually do on Chinese New Year?

S: I usually

TDid you…?

Are you going to…?

5. TYou see, Chinese New Year is very fun in China, and we can also do these things.

Teach the new phrases

6. 教授句型:What are you going to do? Im going to

T: Chinese New Year is fun. We can do many things. Now I want to know your plans for this Chinese New Year

What are you going to do on Chinese New Year?(引导学生回答)

Ss: Im going to

PPT呈现句型: What are you going to do? I’m going to

Step3 Story time

1. Listen and answer

T: Whos she? Oh, shes new for us. Lets listen to the tape and try to know something about her.

2. Lets guess

T: What is she going to do now?

Ss: Shes writing an email about Chinese New Year to Su Hai.

3.Order the pictures and talk.

4. Summary.

Step3 Drill

1.Reading time

T: We know all Annas plans now. Lets read her email now.

2.Ask and answer


T: Then, you know Annas plans now. Can you describe her plans to your parents?

Step4 Extension

1.T: I think, Anna will be very happy this Chinese New Year. We know: Anna is in Hong Kong, but we are in Jiangsu. Some activities maybe are same, and some may different. Do you know the differences.

2.T:There are many differences in many different places. But all these things mean reunion and happiness. Wherever you are, you may celebrate this holiday. Because its the most important festival in China. Lets look forward to this important holiday.

Step5 Homework

1.Know more about Chinese festivals.

2.Read the Story time 3times.

3. Preview Grammar time& Fun time

Lead in to the activity of talking about the question: “What do you usually do on New Years Day?

以万年历为助手,引导学生谈论Chinese New Year Chinese New Years Eve以往的日期和今年的具体日期。

问题导入,引导学生用一般现在时句型I usually…  We often ….讨论the activities of Chinese New Year,同时学习new phrases about the activities

引导学生用一般将来时句型I’m going to讨论

The plans for this Chinese New Year

T: Actually, shes going to do so many things. But, whats she going to do first? And whats she going to do next? Lets watch the cartoon and order the pictures.

T: If you are Annas another friend. Do you want to know Annas plans? You can ask like this:… 引导学生用正确的句型问答并叙述。



六上Unit8的这则语篇内容,是英语教材中少有的跟传统文化有关系的语言材料。在老版牛津教材中,总是会重点了解和讨论Halloween 或者Christmas 这些西方节日及活动,但是新版教材就会在了解西方节日的基础上,也让孩子更充分的去了解中国传统节日。教材编写思路的改变也影响着教师的教学方向。因此在这节语篇教学课中,除了用提问叙述等方式充分的创设中国春节的语境,供学生自然的学习和运用语言,教师还设计了一些环节,来激发学生对于中国传统节日-春节的兴趣,回味自己有趣的春节节日活动,并引学生对中国的春节以及西方国家的圣诞节这两个对于当地人民最为重要的节日进行对比和思考。教师让同学们用头脑风暴的方式来思考ChristmasChinese New Year 让自己联想到的词汇和短语。在大量的说出相关词汇后,师引导学生先来找出两类词汇的主要不同点,让后引领学生来寻找一些类似的甚至是完全相同的词汇。最后,学生们经过仔细观察,发现不同节日却联想到的相同词汇基本跟“团圆、聚餐、礼物、欢乐”有关。学生们终于有所感悟,虽然国家不同节日风俗也有所不同,但是都有一个核心的主题,那就是团聚和亲情!

集体备课责任人: 张岚           个性备课责任人:  张岚

